Practicing Covid-19 Health Safety Guidelines for All Services. Virtual meetings always an option!
Post Partum Doula
The post partum role of the doula is multi-faceted and flexible to allow for a family’s specific needs. The doula cares for mother and infant, young siblings, provides lactation and breast feeding support, and helps guide the mother’s hands in her role as a new parent. The presence of the doula helps reduce and alleviate fatigue and stress that can cause post partum blues. The entire family is given caring companionship. Motivational exercises and rejuvenating activities help the mother feel supported. Home organization and meal preparation guidance are also available.
What Does Your Family Need? What can Allison provide?
“Allison provides an extra pair of mother’s hands”
- Newborn Care
- First Baths: first baths, umbilical care, nail cutting, diaper care, head and body support
- Wrapping and supporting your baby in a swaddle, a sling, or baby carrier
- Sleep Safety: help determine your child’s sleep cues, safe sleep guidelines and SIDS prevention
- Breast-Feeding Support: in conjunction with lactation specialist to help you reach your goals, management of breast milk production, timing of feeding baby, Increasing milk production
- Parent Coping Strategies: help you identify your child’s cries and what they mean, identify sleeping cues and tiredness, improving child sleep environment, soothing techniques
- Supportive counsel for mother, father/partner and young sibling to process the birth, and recover in this great transition to a larger family
- Caesarian-section Recovery: help with restricted tasks
- Post partum Depression: Course workshop on identifying key signs of depression. Allison cannot provide diagnosis or treatment, but can help you get appropriate care
- Toddlers
- Potty Training
- Sleep Shaping
- Chore Charts
- Sibling Support
- Travel Tips
- Daylight Savings Changes
- Active and engaged learning

With my post partum doula’s help I could relax and become the nurturing mother I always wished to be, while she kept the household chores in check.